Do you want to automatically share newly published posts from WordPress to Facebook pages, groups, or profile, but you don’t know how or which plugin you need to post to social media accounts successfully?
With more than 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is by far the largest social media channel out there. It is also one of the largest sources of traffic for many websites.
The information here will teach you how to automatically post to Facebook group (public, open or private) or page from WordPress to increase your social media following and traffic.
By sharing your posts on your Facebook fan or business page or a Facebook group, your website traffic and followers can grow exponentially. This can have a positive effect on your website and brand.
Table of Contents
Automatically Share Posts From WordPress To Facebook Pages, Groups and Profiles Free
Small business owners can get further by promoting their products or services on their Facebook fan pages, business page, and groups they belong to. Your outreach will be to millions of possible users, drawing more business and traffic, giving you more exposure and an increase in revenue.
Users will feel more obligated to check out your brand if they find you have added a personal touch to it and promoted it with a friendly approach. Fortunately, Facebook gives you a variety of options for auto-posting blog posts, whether you use text, a URL link, a photo, or a video.
There is no character limit when posting on Facebook, but it’s best if you try to fit the essential information in the first 480 words. When using social sharing plugins to post on Facebook, you are generally given two post format options, a link post or a photo post.
Out of all the different formats for posting, link, and photo type are the most successful when it comes to generating organic reach. The difference between the two lies with what happens when someone clicks on the link or the photo image.
A link pasted into your status will be displayed with an automatic link preview. This post format automatically extracts the featured image, the title, and the first two sentences of your blog post from the meta or open graph information on your website.
With a click on the link preview or the displayed image, users will be directly forwarded to your blog post. When auto post a photo post to Facebook, your followers, fans or friends will be able to view the image in a preview on their news feed.
One of the most significant advantages of a photo format is that users will be able to view your blog anytime they click on the picture. Once you upload it to be shared, the photo will be also be put into your Facebook albums.
Once it’s there, it doesn’t go anywhere unless you delete it, so users will always have access to it by viewing your albums. If you are a constant Facebook user, then you know how tedious and time-consuming it can be to share your posts manually all over your Facebook pages, groups, or other channels.
There always seems to be more work than there is time to do it. Below I will show you methods to manually or automatically share your existing or new published posts from your WordPress website to Facebook pages, groups or profile.
METHOD 1 – Blog2Social plugin
For this method, you can use the free version of Blog2Social plugin, but I use and highly recommend the PRO version. Blog2Social is great plugin for automatically sharing your WordPress content on social media profiles, pages, groups, etc. Fo more information check Blog2Social review.
In the free version you can post to profile and pages, but if you want to post to Facebook groups, you will need to purchase at least SMART pricing plan.
1. How to automatically post to Facebook pages directly from your WordPress blog?
When using Blog2Social, you can quickly post to all of your Facebook pages directly from WordPress and set up your entire Facebook promotion on profiles, pages, and in public groups within a couple of clicks. To connect your site to your Facebook page, go to your Blog2Social dashboard and click on Networks.
You will see the rundown of your social media connections, pages, profiles, and groups you have connected to it. If you want to add another profile, page, or group, click on the button to connect.
At this point, a separate window will open asking you for your login information. To authorize the connection to your Facebook profile, you’ll need to enter your username and password, then click to log in. If you manage multiple groups and pages, use the drop-down menu to select which page you’d like to connect to.
Afterward, click on “authorize,” and you will immediately be able to share your content. You can personalize your posting by adding comments, images, or scheduling a post to be available at a specific time. This is especially beneficial if you send the same content to all your Facebook channels.
2. How to automatically post to Facebook groups directly from your WordPress blog?
Facebook groups are a great way to share blog posts, news, thoughts or links with people who share your interests. Facebook groups focus on discussions with other Facebook members.
Therefore, publishing to Facebook groups is particularly successful when the published content is valuable, informative, and useful to the community.
Unlike all other marketing channels, in Facebook groups, you can get in touch with users, who are not yet following you but share your interest in a specific topic.
This is why posting in Facebook groups has a high impact on your outreach. You can connect any Facebook group to your Blog2Social you are an admin or a member of.
To connect Blog2Social with Facebook public groups, go to “networks” within your Blog2Social dashboard. Once you click on networks, click on +groups to connect to your chosen Facebook groups.
Again, a separate window will open asking for your login information. Enter your login information, and log in to gain access.
If you have admin privileges to the Facebook public group you want to connect, then select ‘Select own manage group.’ After you do this, in the drop-down menu, choose the group you want to connect to and click authorize.
If you do not have admin rights for the group, but you are a member of a Facebook public group, you can select ‘Add public group.’ After you choose to add public group, put the group’s URL in the section that says “Auto detect group ID” then hit scan URL. Group Name and ID will be added automatically and then click “authorize.”
NOTE: Group administrators need to add third-party apps in the group settings for you to be able to post in groups which you don’t own.
You can automatically share your blog posts and images in all connected Facebook groups with Blog2Social. You have two general options for sharing your content.
You can auto-post and auto-schedule your posts to multiple Facebook groups at once whenever you publish a new blog post. Or you can individually tailor and schedule your posts separately for each Facebook group and then share them automatically.
These are “auto-posting” and “custom sharing and scheduling.” You can add comments, hashtags, and handles and schedule your posts individually for each Facebook group.
3. How to set up recurring scheduling for your posts on Facebook profiles, pages, and groups?
The Blog2Social plugin allows you to set up recurring posts and schedule posts to automatically be added to your Facebook profile, pages, and in groups:
- There will be a drop-down menu below your post preview, open it up, and choose either share it immediately, schedule or choose a recurring schedule for up to 52 weeks in advance.
- Choose the duration of your scheduling
- Choose a specific date at which you’d like your recurrent schedule to start
- Choose a specific time at which you would like your posts to be shared on your Facebook profiles, pages and in your groups
- Select the weekday you would like your posts to be published on
For scheduling your posts on your Facebook profiles, pages, and groups, you can pre-define your own preferred time settings or you can apply the Blog2Social best times. These predetermined times and days are found within your Blog2Social Time Manager.
By scheduling your social media posts for your specific times, your blog post will always be shared at the best times for each network to reach a maximum of your followers.
By clicking on share, your posts will automatically be shared at your scheduled times on your Facebook pages and in your Facebook groups.
On your scheduled date, your Facebook profile posts will move to the “Instant Sharing” tab, and you can click on “share” to send them to your Facebook Profile instantly.
Blog2Social helps you to make the most out of your blog marketing.
Also, consider setting other networks provided in the plugin to put your WordPress posts in front of different target groups and engage the audience.
METHOD 2 – Social Network Auto Poster Plugin
Social Network Auto Poster is great plugin for automatically sharing WordPress posts to social sharing sites. In the free version of SNAP plugin, you can use free Facebook API to post to pages, but it requires approval from Facebook.
In the paid version, you use plugins premium API and no approval from Facebook is needed. Setup is ready in a minute, and you can post to Profiles, Pages, and Groups.
SNAP can post your posts, pages, events, products, custom post types automatically to all of your social media channels, quickly and efficiently.
You can format your posts and use either images, links, tags, text posts, categories, and even hashtags.
Another great feature is that SNAP can also repost your old posts if you want it to. SNAP can select specific posts for re-posting using filters. This feature is only available with the paid version, which costs $49.
With NextScripts API for Facebook, you can post to:
- Facebook Profile.
- Facebook Pages (all kinds).
- Public Groups.
- Closed Groups
- Secret Groups
You can either use username/password or Session Info to connect your site to Facebook. If your server is located too far from your regular Facebook login location, Facebook may find your new login suspicious.
This is why plugin has two different ways of authorization. If Facebook finds login with username/password suspicious, try a session. Or if you get “Location Block” from session usage, then try username/password.
Connect with your username/password
1. Go to the SNAP auto poster menu on your left side panel, and click Accounts.
2. Click on the green ‘Add New Account’ button, and choose Facebook from the list given.
3. Choose NextScripts API from the drop-down menu shown.
4. Then select the Username/Password option.
5. Enter your Facebook Username and Password
6. Select one of the pages or groups and click “Update Account Info.”
That is all. You can add multiple pages, groups, profiles and share your content on each of them automatically.
Blog2Social vs. SNAP
- Name
- Price
- Share to Facebook profile
- Share to Facebook pages
- Share to Facebook groups (public, private, closed)
- Share to Instagram
- Share to Instagram story
- Share to Facebook story
- Share to LinkedIn profile
- Share to LinkedIn Pulse
- Share to LinkedIn company pages
- Share to LinkedIn groups
- Share to
- Share to Plurk
- Share to Pinterest
- Share to Twitter
- Share to VK.Com
- Share to Weibo
- Share to XING profile, page and group
- Share to Blogger
- Share to Flipboard
- Share to Google My Business
- Share to Instapaper
- Share to LiveJournal
- Share to Medium profile
- Share to Medium group
- Share to Scoop.It
- Share to SETT
- Share to Tumblr
- Share to WP Based Blog
- Share to Diigo
- Share to Reddit subredits
- Share to MailChimp list
- Share to Line
- Share to Telegram
- Share to Yo
- Share to deviantART
- Share to Flickr
- Share to vBulletin
- Share to YouTube channel
- Share to Bloglovin
- Share to Torial
- Automatic repost of the existing posts
- Autoposting FiltersYou can setup general criteria for what posts should be autoposted
- Integration with URL shortener services
- Auto-Import comments from Social NetworksPlugin will automatically grab the comments posted on Social Networks and insert them as "Comments to your post"
- Auto-HashTags settings
- Open Graph settings
- Auto-Scheduling
- Auto-post imported RSS content
- Content curationShare content from any source on social media
- Best time managerUse pre-defined time settings to share your posts at the best times to post on each network
- Individual schedulingDefine your own time settings for different dates and times to share your posts on each network
- Select network post format
- Put GIFs into your social media posts
- Free and paid version
- Free and paid version
- Only Bitly
Share Posts From WordPress To Facebook Pages, Groups and Profiles Summary
Social media is one of the best resources to drive traffic to your website. Provided that you have valuable information to share with users, chances are they will follow and view your site more often.
By automatically sharing your posts, products, and brand on Facebook, you will increase your viewers. You can engage with users and potential customers more often when cross-posting and sharing all of your content on your Facebook profiles, pages, and groups.
While you can’t automate engagement, one thing you can automate is sharing your blog content on your Facebook page or profile.
If you are interested in how to automatically post from WordPress to Instagram, check my tutorial where I explain how to accomplish that using several methods and plugins. And to get insights into your customer behavior, check how to add Facebook pixel in WordPress site to start gathering conversion tracking data.
DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, I might get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Read more about it here.
Nice read. I used to use the Jetpack Publicize to automated the post sharing work in my WordPress site but now I have want to switch and looking for a better option. After reading your post, I’m now considering to choose the NextScripts as I need to share my posts in more social platform and It looks enough for this work. Thanks for getting me informed about this plugin.
Hi Mira,
Just be noted that SNAP has non existing customer support. I would suggest you to go with Blog2Social.
Thanks for suggestion Kasa. I will make a try for Blog2Social also.
Thanks a lot, your site has just provided the answers that I have been looking for concerning Facebook group.
Excellent Article.
I appreciate your writing abilities.
Your WordPress plugin knowledge is good 🙂
is there any option to subscribe your newsletter?
Currently no newsletter but you can follow me on my social media accounts.