Best WordPress Edit Footer Plugin – Smart Footer System Review

Smart Footer System


Easy to use






Overall quality



  • Very affordable price
  • Looks great even on handheld devices
  • Works with most page builder plugins
  • Easy to use panel for settings and customization
  • Various features
  • Display different footers on different WordPress content types


  • No existing plugin widgets to create footer without use of page builder
  • If you’re not using one of page builders, you have to rely on HTML to build your footer
  • Demo footers only compatible with Visual Composer

To make the bottom of your site useful and looking amazing you will need WordPress edit footer plugin if your theme doesn’t have fully customizable footer section.

The footer section of a WordPress site is usually the most ignored section of the website. The site owners think that the visitor in most occasion doesn’t reach up to the footer or even notice it.

The footer section usually contains the copyright details of the site, links to the relevant pages, popular posts and sometimes even advertisement banners. When working on your website, it’s natural to concentrate your design efforts on the home page and the header.

As a result, the footer often becomes neglected and looking like poorly designed place for copyright information, legal disclaimers, and spammy SEO links.

A distorted footer can destroy the impression of any website. If used correctly the footer section can create a lot of value for your site. You can use the footer section to place the important links and make it easy for the visitors to navigate your site.

Nicely designed footer section with creative navigation can help you reduce the bounce rate of WordPress site as well as earn some extra revenue. You can also use the footer section to showcase social proof and encourage more visitors to follow your site through your social profiles.

The footer is as important as the header. Because the footer is the last chance to get visitor attention, keep in on site or even convert into paying customer. The point at which they’ll sign up for service, want to read another article or just require your contact details.

You got to ask yourself what do you want your visitors to do when they reach the bottom of the page? The answer is a great starting point for designing your website footer.


Best Paid WordPress Edit Footer Plugin?

By default, WordPress footer is a single section that shows additional information about a site. Usually, people will add copyright notice, contact info, social media links, and similar info about their website.

Although footer is a standard across the web, that doesn’t mean that your WordPress footer has to be dull and boring.

Depending on the theme you have installed, settings that affect footer area might vary. Some themes will let you add elements there, while some won’t offer any footer options at all.

If you like to customize your WordPress site footer you have few options available. Manually if you know how to handle the code or using plugins and widgets.

Still, unless you step up your game, that’s far from having a unique footer that your visitors will love.

Smart Footer System (SFS) is a footer plugin for WordPress that allows its users to improve footer section of the website by allowing various customizations. It is only WordPress edit footer plugin you will ever need.

SFS has six different types of footers you can choose from, animations you can define, and numberless solutions to use.

Smart Footer System works with WPBakery (check WPBakery review) and other WordPress page builders, so you don’t have to worry about the compatibility issues.

Be noted that if you’re trying to use Elementor page builder with Smart Footer System, you’ll need to make Smart Footer System publicly queryable by going to Elementor’s settings and enable Elementor for the Smart Footer System custom post type.


smart footer system review


It also works with WooCommerce and WPML. It lets you create separate footer section for different post types (and pages) including custom ones which get automatically recognized by the plugin.

Smart Footer System is also compatible with page builders that come with popular multipurpose WordPress themes like Avada’s Fusion Builder, Enfold Builder, Swift Builder, etc.

You can associate the footers with each post type of the site, automatically recognized by the plugin, and you can assign a footer to a single page as well.


Smart Footer System Review – WordPress Edit Footer

Smart Footer System plugin is created to easily replace your theme’s default footer with a custom footer. You can also combine the theme’s footer and your SFS custom footer together without disabling the theme’s footer from the Smart Footer System settings.

Depending on the design of your site and your wishes, you can go for a normal, reveal, sticky, accordion, css3 animation or banner footer. To change the style, all you have to do is to select one option.

After that, you get to use your standard text and visual editor. You can even create a footer with Visual Composer and other page builders.

#1. NORMAL FOOTER will place the footer where it is usually. On the bottom of your site. It replaces the default footer of the theme. There won’t be any animations nor special effects, and you practically get what you see.


wordpress footer bottom


#2. REVEAL FOOTER will show the footer block on the bottom of your page, but the footer will follow your scroll. This one works perfectly for simple sites where the most important information is displayed in the footer area.


#3. SLIDE UP FOOTER is feature rich type of footer. Once activated, you will see a control panel with “Settings” and “Handle Style” settings. In Settings, you can decide if you want to open the footer handle with click or mouse hover.


sticky footer wordpress


You can also set the height of the footer content, the height, and color of a separator positioned under the handle, adjust the animation for the footer handle, etc.

The footer content opening speed can also be adjusted, and you can decide if you want to open the footer content automatically when the user reaches the bottom of the page.


#4. BANNER FOOTER is more of a call to action than a regular footer. It is designed to provide a unique navigation experience for the desktop and mobile versions. You can create two entirely different and unique styles for the various devices.

You can define the horizontal and vertical padding, the alignment of the textual content inside the banner and the opening speed of the footer content.


wordpress footer banner plugin


You can also specify all the parameters for the background of the banner and customize the button that will be displayed on the banner along with the text.

Smart Footer System Banner footer offers the option of adding additional options to prevent the banner from being too invasive by activating the Auto Show and Auto Hide options.


#5. CSS3 FOOTER  is a mode that allows you to show the footer content with simple animations in CSS3. You can select combinations with up to 81 different styles. Smart Footer System plugin will automatically turn off animation on mobile devices for better performance.

#6. ACCORDION FOOTER offers the opportunity to show footer content only when the user clicks on a custom bar with a central icon and two short texts on the side at the bottom of the page which show the footer as a harmonica.

It’s an elegant and non-invasive way of showing content, which can be text, images, or anything else created with a Page Builder or HTML.


Smart Footer System Settings

When you click on Smart Footer System General Settings, you will have a panel control with six tabs. Those tabs are General, Home/Blog, Single, Archive, Import/Export and Support (you may have more depending if you have WooCommerce installed).

Under the “General” tab you can hide your theme footer. Alternatively, you can leave it off so that new footer blocks will go under your footer theme.

SFS automatically recognizes all the theme’s post types and divides them into categories. Those are as mentioned Home Page and Blogs, Single Pages and Archive Pages.

You can see different footer for all those categories, and you can change the footer of the single page through the options panel which appears under each single post or page.

If you have WooCommerce installed you will be able to set a custom footer for each WooCommerce page.

SFS allows its users to export all footer content through “Export All Footers” button. You can also import same files using import button option.

Smart Footer System 2 also lets you import demo content. So you can quickly bring in all of the beautiful footer demos you see from their demo site.

Unfortunately, the demos for now only work with Visual Composer page builder plugin. If you’re not using Visual Composer, you’ll just see Visual Composer shortcodes.


Creating Footer With Smart Footer System

You create a custom footer using the “Add New Footer” button. To add content to your footers, you use the regular WordPress Editor.

This is where those page builder integrations come in handy. If you have installed page builder, you can use those page builders to create your footer content.

If you’re not using one of page builders, you pretty much have to rely on HTML to build your footer. So creating a footer with SFS is entirely okay if you’re using one of the supported page builders. But if you’re not, it’s a bit awkward and not so easy.

I would love the ability to build custom footers using existing widgets. It is much harder to create great looking footer without page builder.

When your footer is ready, you can set your new footer block as default for a custom post type or enter a single page of your website, enable the override option, and select the footer you created.

When you click to add a new footer, you’ll see what is basically the standard WordPress editor, as well as a new meta box at the bottom with settings specific to Smart Footer System.

Once you’ve built your footer content, you can scroll down to the Footer Settings box to configure how it looks and functions.

Depending on the Footer type that you select, you’ll get different options. For example, if you choose a Normal footer, there’s not much to configure. But if you decide one of the other options, for instance Footer Banner, you’ll have a bunch of choices to go through and configure.

In these options, you can configure everything from colors to animation effects and text prompts. Once you’ve set everything up, you just need to publish your footer like you would a normal WordPress post.


Smart Footer System PROS & CONS


  • No existing plugin widgets to create footer without use of page builder
  • If you’re not using one of page builders, you pretty much have to rely on HTML to build your footer
  • Demo footers only compatible with Visual Composer


  • Very affordable price
  • Looks great even on handheld devices
  • Works with most page builder plugins
  • Easy to use panel for settings and customization
  • Various features such as auto hide, auto show, auto open, show only on end of the page
  • Display different footers on different WordPress content types


Smart Footer System Review Final Words

How much attention do you pay to your website footer? Is it just something you quickly customize or are you making your footer work for you?

Designing a great footer is not about finding the best way to layout a lot of unrelated content. You have to ask yourself what you’d want a visitors to do once they reach the bottom of your site.

Whether you want them to read your ‘About Us’ page, subscribe to your newsletter or like your Facebook page, you can’t count on them to scroll all the way back up to look for those options in the header or sidebar. Make it as convenient as possible by reminding visitors what else they should check out.

Some of the most common components to put in a website footer include:

  • Copyright information
  • Contact information
  • Address (maybe with map)
  • Links to your sitemap, privacy policy, terms of use, etc.
  • Navigation links
  • Links to favorite topics or recent blog posts
  • Upcoming events
  • Social media icons or widgets
  • Newsletter signup form
  • Call to action button
  • Login fields for members
  • Site search field
  • Image gallery
  • Logo or brand images
  • Site mission and goals
  • Money back guarantee
  • Awards, certifications, associations
  • Testimonials
  • Embedded video

Avoid trying to cram absolutely everything you can think of into your footer. Instead, pick just a few the most important content options. If you have a lot of information you’d like to include in a footer, feel free to make “Mega Footer” look of your footer.

Smart Footer System costs $16 at CodeCanyon. Taking into consideration what this WordPress footer builder brings, I think it is well worth the money. I love how easy it makes to display different footers on various types of WordPress content.

With Smart Footer System, your footer can become less of an afterthought and more of a “player” in your site’s content. The only thing I didn’t like is that it’s not easy to style the footer content without page builder.

If you are using WPBakery, Fusion Builder, or another supported page builder, then you will be totally fine. Buy it with no second thoughts. But if you’re not using any page builder, it’s disappointing that you’re pretty much-stuck building footers with HTML.

I understand that Smart Footer System is being sold through Envato, so I am sure many people already have WPBakery Page Builder which is also sold there and is one of most popular page builders. Also, nearly every theme on ThemeForest has built-in WPBakery nowadays.

Other than that issue, everything else works smooth. While checking free plugin options for editing footer I have not found any plugin which would be suitable for quality customization of the footer and which was not last updated one year ago.

Let me know in comments below if you had experience with Smart Footer System plugin or you have a better alternative.

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