SalesKing Review PROS & CONS (2025) – Best WooCommerce Sales Agent Plugin?



Easy to use









  • Vast amount of features
  • Easy to use
  • Announcements and messages feature
  • Set various commission rules
  • Create agent groups and set group rules
  • Monitor agent earnings
  • Control agent capabilities


  • Some might consider price expensive for one site usage and taking into consideration that support is valid only for certain period
  • No free version

It’s not always easy for businesses to keep track of their sales agents. They may spend more time than necessary on determining agent commissions. Monitoring customer information and automatically calculating sales commissions are features of an essential sales management structure that many WooCommerce companies would love to have.

Sales agents and commissions can be effectively managed with the SalesKing plugin. Admins can use their dashboards to view vital data and assign commission percentage information while sales agents monitor their orders and create new profiles.

There are also specific dashboards for sales agents. Agents can see statistics such as accrued commission, orders that have been placed, and details about each client. This SalesKing review will show all features this WooCommerce sales team, agents, and reps plugin can offer.


SalesKing Review

SalesKing works very well with any WooCommerce store. It’s a single solution for overseeing sales agents/sales reps and sales teams.

There isn’t much that you need to do manually, as the plugin takes care of everything. SalesKing will provide each agent with their own dashboard. Those dashboards can be used to manage payouts, earnings, add subagents, send messages, and control elements, including shareable carts, affiliate links, coupons, orders, and clients.


SalesKing agent dashboard.

SalesKing agent statistics.
SalesKing plugin provides each agent with their own dashboard.


Admins can publish announcements, submit payouts, go across groups to promote different agents, set commission structures that will decide agent payouts, and perform other necessary tasks.

Some of its more notable features are:

  • Dedicated agents dashboard with login
  • There’s an advanced structure for the commissions earned by agents.
  • Commissions at a particular percentage or fixed rate by agent, customer, or a product that has conditions. For example, a rule may be assigned to only the first five orders that a client places will earn a commission.
  • Agents can switch to the customer account and add products to a client’s cart. Agents can adjust or negotiate prices when they shop for customers (this is an optional feature).
  • Agent news, posts, and publishing information announcements.
  • There’s a convenient messaging system for communications and queries.
  • Earning and agent data can be accessed from the admin backend.
  • Prices can be changed, discounts can be offered, and agents can negotiate.
  • Agents can raise prices and receive a commission on the difference of up to 100%.
  • Coupons can be created, deleted, and shared by agents. They can earn commissions when those coupons are used, and they can also define coupon minimum and maximum spending levels, coupon expiration dates, and coupon limits and usage. Admin can set maximum available discount by group or by an agent.
SalesKing managing copons.
Agents can create, delete and share coupons.


  • Create affiliate links for registration, shopping, and products.
  • You can create a simple or complex commission structure.
  • At registration, customers can be assigned an agent or pick the agent of their choice.
  • Earnings system with dashboard, charts, reports, etc.
  • Payout methods, bonuses, and history information can be found in the payouts system.
  • There’s a dedicated panel that allows agents to view all of their clients.
  • Order and agent information can be easily downloaded in CSV or PDF and printed at any time.
  • Create sharable cart links with customers which allows them to easily place orders with the exact products.


SalesKing cart sharing feature.
Example of cart sharing option.


  • Agents can send invoices, mark orders as complete, and much more.
  • Agents can add subagents. Credentials are sent via email. Subagents’ sales can earn a commission for the agents.
  • Those agents can control orders assigned to various agents.
  • Pending payments, payouts, and messages can have their own email notifications.
  • Possible integration with B2BKing (another great plugin from the same author is MarketKing)



The SalesKing plugin has several menus. Those are Announcements, Commission Rules, Agent Groups, Group Rules, Messages, Earnings, Payouts, and Settings.


SalesKing settings.


Settings are divided into Main Settings, Registration, Agent Capabilities, Commission Calculation, and Payouts.


Main Settings

Under the Main Settings, you will see two options. Those are Dashboard and Modules. The Dashboard allows you to choose the agent’s dashboard page and the agent’s dashboard logo is where you can alter the SalesKing logo.


SalesKing main settings.


The modules section allows you to deactivate modules based on the needs of your site. Here is a summary of what each module does:

  • Announcements – Admins can publish announcements (posts) that agents see and can be informed about via email.
  • Messages – Agents can communicate with admins. They will both receive emails and notifications regarding messages.
  • Coupons – Coupons can be shared with clients and created by agents. Admins define the maximum discount that’s allowed by a group or user.
  • Affiliate Links – Product, shopping, and registration affiliate links can be created by agents.
  • Cart Sharing – Agents can fill the cart with products. That cart can then be saved as a shareable link. Agents will receive a commission for purchases made through that link.
  • Teams – Agents can create subagents. Agents can earn commissions from sales made by subagents.
  • Earnings – Track of agent earnings.
  • Payouts – Monitor the payout payments using this panel. Agents are informed when payouts are added. The earnings balance will be lowered appropriately.


Registration Settings

There are two setting selections in the Registration Settings section. Those are Add Sales Agent ID to WooCommerce Registration and Assign Agent Automatically at Registration.


SalesKing registration settings.


Customers will be able to add the agent ID if the adding agent ID to the registration option has been enabled. This will assign the customer to the agent whose ID information has been entered.

The “assign agent automatically” option automatically assigns customers to an agent if they didn’t choose a particular one (or referred via link/cookie).


Agent Capabilities

Here you can control what abilities agents have. There are five settings here.


SalesKing agent capabilities settings.


Here is what they do:

  • Allow agents to edit customer profiles – Agents can edit customer profiles.
  • Allow agents to manage their assigned orders – Agents will be able to send invoices and mark orders as complete. They have full control over orders assigned to them.
  • Agents receive new order emails – Agents will be informed by email whenever a customer places a new order.
  • Agents can edit prices to offer discounts – This allows agents to edit prices in the cart page, thus offering discounts in the process.
  • Agents can edit prices to increase the price – Agents will be able to go into the cart page to increase prices.


Commission Calculation

Here you control how agent commission is calculated.


SalesKing commission calculation settings.


There are four main settings here:

  • Commission calculation includes tax – Deactivating this option will determine commission based solely on price. The tax won’t be included in that calculation.
  • Different commission when agent increases price – When an agent raises the price on an item, they can be paid a different commission.
  • Commission rules: hide individual users – Websites with large amounts of users won’t have to worry about site crashes resulting from increased activity in the SalesKing’s Commission Rules panel.
  • Profit-based commission calculation – This option is coming soon, and currently, it is not available.


Payout Settings

Payout methods for agents can be enabled in this section. Options are PayPal payout, bank payout, and custom method.


SalesKing payouts settings.



Announcements are notifications that the admin sends to agents, and they show up in each agent’s dashboard and email notifications. You can decide who can see particular announcements. Agents themselves can’t respond to announcements.


SalesKing announcements feature.



  • Site admins can send announcements. These admins can also change the announcements’ visibility according to agents or groups.
  • Formatting is supported in announcement posts.
  • Agents can receive announcements by email.
  • Agents view announcements in the dashboard.


Commission Rules

Your commission structure can be configured in the Commission Rules section. You can create as many rules as you want by going into your SalesKing menu and selecting the Commission Rules and “Create new rule” option.


Create new rule via SalesKing commission rules.


It’s simple to create agents’ sales commission structure. Commissions for subagents (teams) can also be set, and you can use more than one rule for agent commissions at a time.

There are several rule details available:

  • Rule type – Choose a percentage or a fixed amount.
  • How much – Enter value based on a percentage or a fixed amount.
  • Applies for products – Product categories or tags for which the rule will be applied. You can also choose multiple – all products, one per order and categories & tags.
  • For agents – Multiple, individual, or agent groups can be chosen. You can pick from multiple options or all agents.
  • For customers – You can select multiple choices or individual selections, such as all logged-in users, all users who are logged out, or all users in total.
  • For orders – You can select orders by subagents, orders placed by clients, orders placed by agents, or all orders.


Agent Groups

You can manage agents by placing them into different groups. You can determine the maximum discount agents can offer to customers and name your groups in this section.


SalesKing creating new agent group.


Adding someone to a particular agent group can make them an agent. Start by going to the agent’s profile page and then selecting the Agent Settings option. From there, you can pick “This user is a Sales Agent” and then add them to the group that you want.


  • Agents can be placed into groups. Each group can have its own options assigned to them.
  • Commission plans can vary by group.
  • Maximum commission percentages can also be different for each group.
  • Each group can have its own level of announcement visibility.


Group Rules

You may want agents to be moved from one group to another if they reach certain sales thresholds. This way, you can promote agents if they meet earnings goals or other criteria.


SalesKing creating new group rule.



  • When an agent reaches a certain threshold, they can be promoted from one group to another.
  • Change group based on earnings reached or total sales reached.
  • Group changes are automatic when thresholds are met.

For example, an agent who earns above a certain threshold in commissions will be moved from the basic group (where they earn 5% commission) to a premium group where they will earn 10% commission.



Queries can be raised, questions can be asked and sent, different parties can clarify certain items, and you can communicate with your sales staff via Messages. Both admins and agents can send or start messages.


  • Agents and admins can communicate quickly and easily with messages.
  • Conversations and messages can be started and sent by admins and agents at any time.
  • Based on profile settings, messages can be received via email.
  • Closed or read are two types of conversation statuses.



You can monitor and view the earnings of different agents in this panel. Some of the most commonly used features in this section are:

  • Agents can see their monthly statistics, charts, and earnings in the dashboard.
  • Agents can view direct earnings and subagents’ earnings.
  • Until an order has been completed, it can be placed in a “pending” status.
  • Balances are assigned to agents. When payouts are sent, that balance is lowered accordingly.
  • Commissions (earnings) can be edited on each order by agents.
  • The backend allows admins to see each agent’s earnings.



Payouts for all agents can be controlled in this panel. You can monitor bonuses, payments that are due, payments that have been sent, and more.


  • Admins can use the backend controls to enter payout information.
  • Agents will receive emails with details about their specific payouts.
  • When payouts are sent, an agent’s balance is reduced respectively.
  • Agents can select their payout method.
  • Admins and agents can see payout history.



SalesKing can be purchased as annual or lifetime plan. Lifetime licenses mean that you won’t have to deal with annual renewals or complicated pricing structures. Price is $99 for use on one website for a year. You can also check demo, and see how the plugin works.


SalesKing Review Conclusion

SalesKing is one of the best WooCommerce sales agent, sales team, and reps plugins available. It’s easy to use and has plenty of useful features. Its modular approach means that you can activate or deactivate different functions per your needs. SalesKing can help you take your agents to the next level and continue to succeed.

As alternative option, you can check Woosuite Sales Agents plugin.

DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, I might get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Read more about it here.

2 thoughts on “SalesKing Review PROS & CONS (2025) – Best WooCommerce Sales Agent Plugin?”

  1. Hey! Thanks for the review for both SalesKing and Woosuite! Very comprehensive. Based on your reviews, I’m going to purchase Sales King. Thanks again for your helpful insite!

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