WordPress Banner Rotator Plugin | All In One Slider vs AdRotate Banner

Last couple days I was searching for good WordPress banner rotator plugin. By that I specifically searched WordPress plugin which will provide option to rotate specific selected banner ads on post/page (not on every refresh).

I want to rotate banners while visitor is still on same post. Too my surprise there is not much banner rotator plugins available. At least with options I wanted.


WordPress Banner Rotator Plugin

After search my attention got caught on two products. Banner Rotator / Content Slider WordPress Plugin available on Codecanyon for the price of $20 and Ad Rotate available in free and paid version (paid version comes with more useful features).


Banner Rotator / Content Slider WordPress Plugin



This WordPress banner rotator is an advanced Jquery WordPress plugin. It can be used as content slider too. It comes in 6 presentation types: Banner Rotator, Thumbnails Banner, Banner with Playlist, Content Slider, Carousel and Sidebar Banners.

From these banners you can create sidebar banners or mini-galleries. Each banner comes with 3 predefined skins, multiple effects, animated text and unlimited customizations. It is compatible with all browsers like Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and with IOS and Android mobile devices.




Banner rotator includes touch screen navigation for mobile support and responsive design which means all ads or sliders will look great on handheld devices. Responsive feature can be turn on or off.

Plugin comes with 3 predefined skins and 16 transition effects. Text can be animated from any direction. Top, bottom, left or right. Banner rotator plugin supports various parameters like width, height, autoplay, loop, randomize images, playlist, border color and width etc.

Other features include:

  • external url link parameter for large image
  • target parameter: _blank or _self
  • show/hide controllers parameter
  • show/hide tumbs parameter
  • thumbs reflection parameter
  • circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
  • you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin
  • include YouTube, Vimeo & HTML5

For the price of $20 this WordPress Banner Rotator plugin is worthy investment. More than 3 000 sales and regular updates go in favor of this great plugin. It can be used for displaying banners in sliders or any other images and website content.

Ad Rotate



Ad Rotate is another WordPress banner rotator plugin. It comes in free and paid version. Free is very limited with options and settings so PRO version is highly recommended.

You can create and manage unlimited ads with this WordPress advertising plugin. It makes possible keeping stats and run successful advertising campaigns straight from WordPress dashboard.

AdRotate gives you the freedom to place adverts almost anywhere on your site. This WordPress banner rotator can be used to exclude clicks from logged in users, rotate ads every few seconds, supports various type ads, you can schedule ads appearance, etc.

The best feature Ad Rotate offers is Geo Location targeting option. Using this feature you can set ads to target only specific visitors by country or city showing them relevant ads based on IP.

Other Ad Rotate features include:

  • Assign adverts to groups
  • Graphs
  • Multisite support
  • Show a nag message to those using an adblocker
  • Have your advertisers add/edit/manage their own ads
  • Track how many times a banner is clicked and show its Cick-Through-Ratio
  • Unlimited widgets
  • Multiple groups per banner location

AdRotate supports unlimited groups for banners allowing you to tie certain banners to different areas of the website. On top of that with GeoLocation you can tie adverts to certain areas of the world. It is also available as a premium plugin for a price. Offering extra and more extensive features and faster support.


WordPress Content Slider Plugin Summary

Having good WordPress banner rotator plugin can be convenient if you promote various different products and don’t want your site to look heavily advertisement oriented. Having too much ads in sidebars, content, etc. is not recommended.

Using banner rotator you can still show all ads by rotating them in preset time or even set them to target specific geolocations. I personally like Ad Rotate Pro version. It has all features needed to run succesful ad campaigns. As alternative you could use slider plugin like Slidedeck, Layer Slider or Slider Revolution.

DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, I might get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Read more about it here.

2 thoughts on “WordPress Banner Rotator Plugin | All In One Slider vs AdRotate Banner”

  1. Eileen Valdez

    It is an amazing post and you explained in a detailed way. Nice to see this here. I will bookmark your blog for more details. Keep sharing the new things like this.

  2. I have taken time and througly read this article.

    Yes, there are many good banner rotator wp plugins and you mentioned 2 that i like.

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