21 Best Paid & Free WordPress & WooCommerce Booking Plugins (With Comparison)

Whether you run hairdressing salon, barber shop, beauticians, therapist, spa, clinic, sport, rental, hotel facilities, consultant service, etc., being able to make and book appointments is undoubtedly essential for business. This is where WooCommerce Booking plugin comes into play.

Many of these types of businesses run using WordPress plus utilizing vast features and power of WooCommerce. Thanks to that combination business owners can offer the choice for customers to book an appointment directly from the website.

Woocommerce booking plugin allows your customers to make bookings and reservation for your bookable products and services. Quality appointment booking system will help you streamline your business to a vast extent.

When someone intends to travel, they prefer checking online for available rooms in hotel or place where they plan to stay. If a room is available, they will book and pay.

This is just one of many examples when booking plugin can be implemented and help your business.

For the business owners, the appointment system can help understand and manage the day by looking at the number of bookings taken. You will have a picture of how your day is going to be concerning your business and get useful insights.

Other than the advantages mentioned above, an appointment booking system will help you create a paperless environment which will save a lot of money as well as a human resource.

Below I will mention some free and paid booking plugins for WordPress and some best WooCommerce booking plugins if you wish to integrate with most popular e-commerce solution.

Many of the plugins that will be mentioned below have the possibility to take a lot of worry and stress out of your hands.


WordPress Boking Plugins Compared

I have compared few of the plugins I mention in this article. Be noted that below WooCommerce booking plugins comparison table may get outdated as time goes by. New features and settings are added, pricing changes, some plugins get deprecated.

Please check official page to find out all options and price. Also I have not included all features of booking plugins in comparison table. Some plugins have much more options than stated in comparison.


Tyche Booking vs WooCommerce Bookings vs WooCommerce Appointments

  • NAME
    Requires WooCommerce to be installed
    Assign more than one staff member for particular booking or appointment
    Set custom availability rules for each calendar date, day or hour
    Set custom capacity rules. Accept more or less customers per date
    Set custom pricing rules for particular day, hour or both
    Set custom pricing rules for particular staff member
    Bookings are automatically converted based on client time zone
    Ability to schedule appointments for multiple days
    Set how much in advance can customer schedule booking
    Set how much you need free time (hours or minutes) before next appointment (for example to prepare
    Customers can make purchase for their appointment
    Customers can confirm or cancel their booking
    Integration with popular multilingual plugins like WPML or qTranslate
    Insert booking forms where you need (pages,posts,widgets) using shortcode
    Set prices in different currencies based on visitor country
    A booking calendar is displayed in the front-end, where clients can view availability and can make reservations & appointments.
    Locations can be added on a Google map. The locations will display on search results when you view the map.
    You can create unlimited number of different discounts.
    Add taxes & fees that need to be paid with a booking request (reservation).
    Create coupon/voucher codes for your clients.
    Send email reminders about reservations to clients.
    Send SMS notifications to you or your clients, about reservations status changes
    Create your own custom booking forms to get what information you want from your clients.
    Add booking calendars in a widget area.
tyche Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce vs WooCommerce Bookings
  • Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce
  • You can create time slots as you want.
  • Default that come with WooCommerce
    You can add more using WooCommerce payment plugins
  • You can add this using third-party plugin
  • This is not directly possible but WooCommerce discounts can be applied. Also, you can set a specific price after discounts on a particular date or day.
  • WooCommerce taxes are supported by default
  • WooCommerce coupons can be applied on the booking
  • This is possible via their Product Input fields for WooCommerce plugin that allows creating additional fields in which you can capture information. Also, if you want to accept additional charges, plugin is compatible with WooCommerce Product Addons and Gravity Forms product addons.
  • Currently they just have a search widget as of now but soon they will be releasing an update that will allow you to insert shortcodes or Gutenberg Blocks which can show the availabilities and dates.
WooCommerce Appointments vs tyche booking vs birchpress scheduler
  • WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin
  • You can create time slots as you want.
  • Default that come with WooCommerce
    You can add more using WooCommerce payment plugins
  • You need Twilio SMS Notifications plugin for this and a Twilio account
  • Appointments are provided through WooCommerce products. You can add them anywhere with a shortcode.
WooCommerce Bookings vs bookly vs tyche vs birchpress vs yith
  • WooCommerce Bookings
  • Partially
  • Partially
  • Partially
  • Partially
  • You can create time slots as you want.
  • Default that come with WooCommerce
    You can add more using WooCommerce payment plugins
  • Partially


Bookly vs BirchPress Appointment Booking vs YITH Booking vs Pinpoint Booking

  • NAME
    Requires WooCommerce to be installed
    Can be used in combination with WooCommerce to get all features that WooCommerce offers.
    Assign more than one staff member for particular booking or appointment
    Set custom availability rules for each calendar date, day or hour
    Set custom capacity rules. Accept more or less customers per date
    Set custom pricing rules for particular day, hour or both
    Set custom pricing rules for particular staff member
    Bookings are automatically converted based on client time zone
    Ability to schedule appointments for multiple days
    Set how much in advance can customer schedule booking
    Set how much you need free time (hours or minutes) before next appointment (for example to prepare
    Customers can make purchase for their appointment
    Customers can confirm or cancel their booking
    Integration with popular multilingual plugins like WPML or qTranslate
    Insert booking forms where you need (pages,posts,widgets) using shortcode
    Set prices in different currencies based on visitor country
    Send email reminders about upcoming appointments.
    Allows you to set up a minimum amount that has to be paid at the time of booking.
    Option to create discounts.
    Add taxes & fees that need to be paid with a booking request (reservation).
    Create coupon/voucher codes for your clients.
    SMS can be sent, to you or your clients, about reservations status changes.
    Create your own custom booking forms to get what information you want from your clients.
    Add booking calendars in a widget area.
birchpress scheduler vs bookly vs yith booking
  • BirchPress Premium WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin
  • You dont need to have WooCommerce installed but it easily integrates with it
  • Bundled with PayPal (for accepting credit card & PayPal account payments).
    Other payment gateways can be supported through WooCommerce integration.
  • You can also cancel/reschedule appointments by customer
  • Not in Personal pricing plan
  • Not in Personal pricing plan
  • Only using third-party plugin or tool
  • Not in Personal pricing plan
bookly vs yith booking
  • Bookly Booking Plugin
  • You dont need to have WooCommerce installed but it easily integrates with it
  • You need to purchase addon
  • 2Checkout, PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net,PayU,Payson,Mollie
    Payment gateways need to be purchased separately. Each costs from $29 - $34.
  • Supports SMS notifications too
  • You need to purchase Bookly Group Booking (Add-on)
  • You will need to purchase addon
  • You will need to purchase Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on)
  • You will need to purchase Bookly Packages (Add-on)
  • You will need to purchase Bookly Taxes (Add-on)
  • You will need to purchase Bookly Coupons (Add-on)
  • Depending on your need, you can gather more information from your clients with either the Custom Fields Add-on or Customer Information Add-on. They need to be purchased.
  • You will need to purchase Bookly Multisite (Add-on)
YITH WooCommerce Booking vs WooCommerce bookings
  • YITH Booking for WooCommerce
  • Default which come with WooCommerce
    Other payment gateways can be supported through WooCommerce payment plugins.
  • The plugin allows setting rules for prices (so you can decrease and increase prices based on some conditions)
  • The plugin allows to create Extra Costs, that will be added to the booking cost
  • You can apply WooCommerce coupons option
  • There are developing the integration with YITH WOOCOMMERCE SMS NOTIFICATIONS plugin and it should be available soon
pinpoint booking system vs bookly vs yith booking
  • Pinpoint Booking System
  • PayPal and you can also purchase additional payment gateway addons ($25 each)
    There are seven different additional payment gateways that you can choose from. Those are Authorize.Net, Braintree, 2Checkout, Icepay, Stripe, Mollie, or Wepay.


Best WordPress & WooCommerce Booking Plugins

When it comes to running a business, we can use all the help we can get. If you’re looking for help to keep your appointments in order, then be sure to take a look through these plugins. You may find that one tool you’ve been missing in your arsenal.


Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Booking & Appointment plugin transforms your WooCommerce store into booking platform.

You can use the plugin to create and manage various types of booking services. Utilizing this WooCommerce Booking plugin, you can sell tickets, tours, hotel bookings, appointments and much more.

Unlike other booking and appointment plugins available for WordPress, this one has full integration with WooCommerce.

This means you can take advantage of all the great features of WooCommerce such as the better security, incredible reporting abilities, many payment gateways, ability to offer reward points and much more.


Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce


Once the plugin is installed and activated, it is possible to edit existing WooCommerce products and use the newly added ‘Booking’ meta box.

Whether you are creating new products or editing existing ones, the process is the same. Simply edit or create a new a product, scroll down to the ‘Booking’ meta box and then enter your desired settings.

The WooCommerce Booking & Appointment Plugin is available in three pricing plans to suit a broad range of users:

  • Single site: $119 /year
  • Five sites: $199 /year
  • Unlimited sites: $249 /year

Some features of this plugin:

  • The booking process is fully integrated with your WooCommerce shop
  • You can name bookings the way you want
  • Choose the booking calendar of your language
  • Sell vacation rentals and volume discount rentals
  • Accept booking orders over the phone or email
  • Sync your bookings with calendar applications
  • Take advantage of more than a 100 payment gateways available with WooCommerce
  • Prevent bookings for some dates
  • Create time slots, e.g. bookings can be made only from 11:00 AM to 14:00 AM, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM and so on
  • You can specify the date and time of availability

For more options this plugin comes with six available addons which are not cheap. The price depends on how many sites you intend to use. Price is $79 for single site up to $249 for unlimited sites.

Addons are:

  • Partial Deposits addon – This addon to the Woocommerce Booking and Appointment Plugin lets you select partial payments for each product on the website. Allow your customers to just pay a deposit amount instead of full payment during booking.
  • Rental System addon – Converts your booking plugin to a rental system by allowing to charge for the last day, blocking dates before/after the booking period, etc. It adds a “Rental Settings” tab that provides with settings which are exclusively for rental businesses.
  • Printable Tickets addon – Helps you create a ticket which will be emailed along with the customer email notification after the order is placed. Each ticket has a unique Ticket number and a security code which would be useful for a security check.
  • Multiple Time Slot addon – This addon helps in allowing to select multiple timeslot while booking a product/ service.
  • Seasonal Pricing addon – Lets you set seasonal prices for each product on the website. Prices can be increased or decreased for certain periods relative to the base price.
  • Tour Operators addon – Addon lets you associate Tour operators (users) with each booking product. You can add Tour operators & each one can see only their own booking resources and bookings.

You can also get all this addons in Booking Super Saver Bundle for $499. The purchase of this bundle gives a license for unlimited sites for every plugin in the bundle.


WooCommerce Bookings

This is official WooCoomerce booking plugin from Woo themselves. This powerful extension allows you to sell time or date-based bookings, adding a new product type to your WooCommerce site.

Bookings can be given customizable dates, costs, and duration, and can be purchased similar to other WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce Bookings plugin is built with flexibility in mind. Examples of possible uses for bookable products include:

There are some cases when WooCommerce Bookings plugin is unsuited. For example for one-off event tickets. An event is not a booking, and you can use regular virtual product option in WooCommerce for this. If the event is recurring (i.e. every week), then Bookings plugin for WooCommerce is for you.


best woocommerce booking plugin


Bookings adds a new product type called Bookable Product. Bookable products are given options such as availability, pricing, persons, and resources.

When a user views a bookable product, they fill out the booking form and either add the booking to their cart and pay. If the booking requires approval, they can enquire about bookings availability without payment.

After checking out with a bookable product in the cart, a new order and a new booking are created. The order is used to track payment, and the booking has details about the service booked and stores the user’s information.

The WooCommerce Bookings is available on three pricing plans: Single site $249 /year, Five sites $299 /year and Twenty-five sites $449 /year.

Notable features include:

  • Create booking slots
  • Multi-person bookings
  • Customer email notifications
  • Filter and update bookings, as well as booking availability from your WordPress admin
  • Create bookings manually via the WordPress admin
  • Define when your booking is available to customers
  • Resources can also be created globally, to apply to multiple bookable products
  • Set global availability rules for all bookable products and services
  • Integration with the Product Add-ons extension
  • Send custom email notifications to people who have booked a product
  • View bookings in either list or calendar format


WooCommerce Appointments

Setup appointable products for WooCommerce using WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin. It perfectly integrates with WooCommerce, WordPress as well as Google Calendar.

WooCommerce Appointments is appointment plugin from BizzThemes and is geared specifically towards appointments.

It’s one of the best appointment scheduling tool for WordPress you can get right now. Using this plugin, you can request payments or just confirmations.

It is very easy to add a new appointment manually for a customer. Besides adding a new appointment in your website admin, you can also add a new appointment to your Google calendar, and it will be automatically synced.

All email templates are also integrated with the WooCommerce notification system and can be edited the same way as default WooCommerce email notifications.


WooCommerce Appointment Booking plugin


For a better overview of your appointments, you can view and edit appointments inside a flexible calendar. WooCommerce Appointments includes the ability to manage multiple staff members including individual calendars, availability and admin access.

You add an appointment directly to Google calendar, and it will be automatically added to WooCommerce Appointments utilizing two-way Google calendar sync. The WooCommerce Appointments is available in three pricing plans: Single site $69 /year, Ten sites $129 /year and Twenty-five sites $199 /year.


Bookly Booking Plugin

With Bookly plugin, for a small one-time fee, you can have booking and appointments fully integrated into your WordPress website. Bookly allows you complete control over your customer data, the style and design of the form to match your brand and the choice of which payment solution to use.

This WordPress booking plugin is easy to use and manage booking tool. It supports a broad range of services offering reservations through your website.

It supports reservations for all types of services like beauty, massage, wellness, healthcare, sports, training, dance, fitness, yoga, pilates, scheduling learning and educational courses and much more.

The only thing that is required from the client is to complete five easy steps. The intuitive interface, as well as clear and attractive design, make this process incredibly easy.


woocommerce hotel booking

woocommerce tour booking

wordpress booking plugin with payment


Customers have the possibility to find a convenient time for their appointment, select service provider, book the time slot and even pay for the services. Clients can see the available booking time intervals in their own time zone.

The back-end admin features on this plugin are robust but still easy to use, and you can customize the front-end colors to match your site colors.

Features of the Bookly Plugin:

  • Syncs with Google Calendar
  • Responsive layout for great user experience even on handheld devices
  • Add and edit unlimited staff member details
  • Add an unlimited number of services
  • Send email notification directly from WordPress
  • Select the colors of the front-end booking calendar to match your site colors
  • Edit the text of the front-end calendar
  • Integrate PayPal payments
  • Payment reports
  • Export your appointment list to a CSV

Price for Bookly is one-time payment of $59. For additional features, you can purchase extensions for Bookly.


BirchPress Premium WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin

BirchPress Scheduler Pro is an appointment booking and management plugin for WordPress. By adding this plugin to a website, you will enable for your clients or customers to book appointments at pre-defined locations or branches of business.

They can also select from the different services, and then choose one of the members of staff who offers that service. Customers can also view the calendar to check availability, and staff members can login to the website and check their schedules.

You can take payments when the booking is made, and as the plugin integrates with WooCommerce, you can add many payment options. BirchPress Scheduler Pro is goo fit for various businesses like spas, salons, doctors, clinics, lawyers, coaches, tutors, and much more.

If you are offering multiple services from many locations, then you can make great use of this scheduling plugin for WordPress.


BirchPress Premium WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin


Whatever calendar system you are using, there is a good chance it will sync with BirchPress to ensure your schedule is up to date and vice versa. Compatible calendars include Google, iCal, iPhone, Android, and Outlook.

Configurable email notifications and reminders can keep you, and your staff informed about the schedule, and also remind customers when their upcoming appointments are approaching.

BirchPress includes the ability for customizing booking forms so that they match the service you are offering. The forms can be personalized by using the built-in form editor.

This premium plugin is available in four different pricing plans which differ by a number of license and features they provide:

  • Pro Personal Edition: $75 one site
  • Pro Business Edition: $150 one site
  • Pro Business Plus Edition: $200 one site
  • Developer Edition: $300 up to 10 sites


YITH Booking for WooCommerce

If you are tired of losing customers due to a complex and ineffective booking system, then YITH Booking is an excellent choice you should consider.

YITH Booking for WooCommerce is a plugin developed for estate agencies, travel agencies, hairdressers, doctors, business consultants and all of those who can benefit from a booking system.


YITH Booking for WooCommerce


This plugin allows you to create a dynamic booking system which means the price will be processed in real time according to your customers’ requests.

This lets you arrange your bookings by date, period or season, a number of people involved and much more. Using YITH Booking for WooCommerce, you have a clear and efficient view of the bookings on your website.

You can arrange your requests using various filters such as date, period, check out date, name, family name. You can also export the bookings in CSV, PDF or Excel and see the full schedule of your work.

This plugin also offers many other features that will help you customize and optimize your websites, such as a specific way of handling your booking emails, the chance of adding a map and a detailed booking checkout system.

This premium plugin is available in three pricing plans: $179 for one site, $290 for six sites and $499 for thirty sites.

YITH Booking for WooCommerce features:

  • Create unlimited bookable products
  • Let users set the duration of the booking.
  • Set a minimum and maximum duration of the booking
  • Automatically approve all new bookings or review them before confirmation
  • Allow users to cancel their booking until a specified date
  • Configure the booking location using Google API
  • Apply an extra cost to the booking, which is calculated based on the booking duration
  • Multiply the cost by number of people
  • Set a maximum number of bookings allowed on the same date
  • Set the first and last date available for the booking
  • Restrict availability by certain factors
  • Create your own labels by age, marital status, membership, job, etc. e.g. adults, children and so on
  • Offer additional services either for free or for an extra cost
  • Create custom search forms


Pinpoint Booking System

If you are running an online or offline business and you want your customers to book the appointment or go for any kind or reservation, Pinpoint Booking System PRO WordPress plugin will help you to create a modern reservation system on your WordPress site.

You can easily integrate this booking system with WooCommerce to extend functionality even further. Your customers will see available booking days and hours and reserve their time accordingly.


Booking System for WordPress


This plugin comes with many added features like coupons, discounts, deposit and a few other amazing features which will help you to create a complete and extensive booking and reservation system.

Using Pinpoint your reservation system will look amazing on all modern devices including handheld and all that for only $5. For more info about this plugin, check my Pinpoint Booking System review.


Team Booking – WordPress Booking System

Team Booking is powerful appointment booking plugins for WordPress. It comes with many useful features that will help you create a complete booking system for your business.

The plugin is fully responsive booking plugin which means it will look great on any screen size. Team Booking integrates with Google calendar which will be used to plan availability and manage reservations.

The plugin offers high flexibility and customization options. You can create forms which will perfectly fit your needs. One of the features is Approval system which you can use to approve each appointment. You can also bypass the approval system to auto approve the appointments.


WordPress booking system plugin


You can also integrate Google maps with the appointment form with five different styles, and you can choose the one which perfectly fits your site’s style. Utilizing Team Booking shortcode system, you will be able to insert different functionality into your booking system.

Team Booking system comes with three level notification system. When user books an appointment it triggers a notification to the admin, the co-worker, and the user at the same time which will help keep everyone in the loop.


WP Booking Calendar

WP Booking Calendar plugin will help you to add a simple yet complete appointment booking system to your WordPress website. The admin can define the days available for appointment, and users can book appointment depending on the available dates and time.

Once the appointment is booked, admin and customer will receive a notification. As the admin, you can create an unlimited number of booking calendars and define the kind of fields you want on the form.

Each calendar can have its settings and slots making it easy for you to have different types of business happening at the same time. It also comes with booking form captcha which you can enable or disable. You can integrate PayPal for the payment option and a lot more.


Checkfront WordPress Booking

Checkfront is comprehensive premium booking and management software. The software streamlines a lot of the tasks that come with managing reservations.

Checkfront has a plugin for WordPress so you can easily integrate. It was built for three primary purposes: Tours and Activities Rentals, and Accommodations.

Checkfront offers impressive features and options:

  • Accept online bookings (via your website, or even Facebook)
  • Manage your business availability
  • Automate payments and invoices
  • Send automated email reminders
  • Create coupons for your customers
  • Take secure online payments
  • Over 50 free integrations
  • Mobile app to let you manage things while you’re on the go or away from a computer

The WordPress booking plugin that Checkfront offers allows you to integrate their booking software directly on your WordPress site quickly and syncs things to make sure you’re always up-to-date with appointments.

As a premium booking software, Checkfront requires a subscription in order to use which is not for every pocket. The pricing tiers start at $49 per month for 1,200 bookings made per year, and it goes up to $499 per month for 12,000+ bookings made per year.

Checkfront offers a 21-day free trial, so you can test things out before buying and see if that is a tool you need. As impressive Checkfront is, the price and options available may be a bit more than one can afford or need.


Appointments+ by WPMU DEV

Appointments+ by WPMU DEV has all functions you need for making appointments directly from your WordPress site. According to WPMU DEV description of the plugin, your customer’s can schedule appointments with only three steps.

The Appointments+ plugin has a wide array of features which makes it perfect for small to medium businesses.


Appointments WordPress booking plugin


You can customize each profile you create within the plugin. For example, if your business has more than one employee, you can customize the names, qualifications or skills, and time slots that each employee would be available for.

Key features of Appointments+:

  • Allows customers to make appointments directly from your WordPress site
  • You can make appointments for clients
  • Manage all you customer contact info
  • Use PayPal to take direct payment online
  • Sync appointments with Google Calendar
  • Create days when you are not working
  • Send emails to remind or confirm appointments with you customers
  • Create unlimited services or service providers from your admin dashboard

The downside of Appointments+ is that the visual result is something that some may think is lacking. Also, this plugin can’t be bought separately. It is part of WPMU DEV membership.

Membership costs $49 a month. You do get a lot more plugins, but if you just need this one plugin, then it is overkill.


Salon Booking WordPress Plugin

If you’re in the service business, you understand the importance of keeping schedules. Salon Booking plugin is a great choice for barbershop, skincare, therapist, or any other service-related industry that depends on appointments.

You can choose among three different bookings methods accordingly with your particular business model. In Basic, all reservations have the same duration. Using Advanced method every reservation has its own duration based on the sum of the duration of the single service booked.

Just one assistant to be select at the time and he will be considered busy for the duration of the whole reservation. In High End model every reservation has its own duration based on the sum of the duration of each service booked.

One or more assistants can be selected for each booked services. And each assistant will be considered busy for the duration of the single service where he has been associated with.

You can set unlimited booking rules to define precisely which days of the week and which times ranges are available for the online booking. You can also set unlimited holidays rules to control the closing days and time ranges of the year.


Salon Booking WordPress Plugin review


Customers have the option to cancel a reservation during a particular time range which you set. They can pay at the venue, or you can ask for a full upfront online payment or ask for a percentage as a deposit.

From payment methods Paypal and Stripe are available. You can also buy official payments add-ons for Mollie, WorldPay, Square and RedSys. Salon Booking plugin has reservations email and SMS notification.

The shop manager, the staff members, and your customer will receive an email and SMS notification every time a new reservation has been made.

Whether you are using the free version or have upgraded to the Premium version, this plugin comes packed with features that will simplify the booking process and make keeping track of reservations much easier.

The plugin comes in three pricing plans which differ based on the number on sites on which plugin can be installed. For six sites price is 69 EUR, for twenty sites price is 150 EUR and for an unlimited number of sites price is 250 EUR (all are yearly based).


RnB – WooCommerce Rental & Booking System

RnB – WooCommerce Rental & Booking is a user-friendly booking plugin built as WooCommerce extension. This plugin allows you to sell your time or date based bookings. It creates a new product type to your WooCommerce site. Perfect for those wanting to offer rental, booking, real estate agencies or services.


WooCommerce Bookings & Appointments

WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin is perfect solution for users who want a robust booking solution on their website.  The best thing about this plugin is that it works well with almost every business, no matter what kind.

The plugin is very simple to use. You can convert any simple WooCommerce product into a bookable resource, service, or time.


pluginhive WooCommerce bookings and appointments


The plugin offers four time periods to select from. Minutes, hours, days and even months.  You can have a booking period of 35mins as well as a period of four days a week.

You can also have a calendar on the Product page where your clients can choose the time.  Here you can either have a booking period set for a fixed period or an entire calendar range.

The plugin functionally goes deep by allowing you to set the maximum simultaneous bookable slots allowed per time-period.

You can also set the booking opening and closing time which is a great option for businesses that work within a fixed period.  The plugin has an amazing feature to allow clients to cancel their reservation.

It has another separate feature that lets them send a confirmation request to you.  So once you agree to this request, they will be further allowed to pay the booking price. And yes, a confirmation email is sent thereafter to the customer.


best woocommerce free bookings plugin


With this plugin, you can set the availability of your bookable products. This way you can have your working and non-working days displayed right on the Product page.

Besides this feature, you can set the booking price and control how it appears over a period of time.  You can set a higher booking amount during the weekends for your hotel rooms, and offer a discounted rate during weekdays.

Other cool features that come along with this plugin are:

  1. Allow the customer to choose the number of people participating in a particular time-slot and charge them accordingly.
  2. Offer extra items or resources along with the bookings and charge them accordingly.
  3. Manage all your bookings in the dedicated Bookings Management area.
  4. Sync your bookings with your Google Calendar.
  5. Option to exclude the last selected date for price calculation and many more.

The WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin starts from $99 for a 1-year license of support and updates.  You also have 5-sites or 25-sites licenses. The plugin also has a WooCommerce Bookings Free plugin.



Booknetic is an exceptionally versatile and user-friendly WordPress appointment plugin that can assist businesses to manage their online bookings. Booknetic has all of the functionality you’d expect from a scheduling plugin.


Booknetic review.


Businesses can manage their online bookings with the help of this incredibly flexible and user-friendly WordPress appointment plugin. It may be utilized in a variety of sectors, including hotels, salons, dentists, law companies, and individual consultants, as well as with these features:

  • Meetings optimized via Zoom Meetings may be arranged and merged at numerous places with the help of the booking method.
  • By utilizing Google Calendar sync, you can keep track of your online appointments.
  • PayPal and Stripe Integration.
  • WooCommerce sync is another important feature.
  • SMS, email, and WhatsApp can be used to send notifications to clients.
  • Multi-location scheduling solution.
  • To prevent spam scheduling, users can also access Google ReCAPTCHA.
  • Convert into any language.
  • Form-builder feature
  • Sendable invoices
  • Group appointments
  • Gift cards
  • Endless color possibilities
  • Reports module


MotoPress Hotel Booking

For websites that rent out properties, the MotoPress Hotel Booking WordPress plugin is like having an entire property management suite at your fingertips. It provides all the necessary tools to manage an online booking system without costing much.


MotoPress Hotel Booking review pros and cons.


List unlimited accommodations and services, accept direct online reservations, synchronize all bookings across OTAs and more (no per-booking or per-property commission). This WordPress hotel booking plugin is perfect for running any hospitality business.

For more info, check my MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin review.



BookingPress is one of the most versatile and potent WordPress booking plugins. It provides a lot of options that will help you give your customers various booking options and give you better control over the entire appointment booking process.


BookingPress plugin.


BookingPress is the only plugin that gives 33+ premium add-ons completely free at just a single price. So, you do not worry about spending an extra amount on buying add-ons. No coding or design experience is necessary to use the BookingPress plugin for your website because of its user-friendly interface.

You will get access to tons of settings and options to help you build a comprehensive online appointment booking system. So, no matter the size of your company or even if you’re an individual service provider, BookingPress will assist you in getting the best results and increasing your online appointments.


  • 33+ Premium add-ons completely FREE (it is the only WordPress Booking Plugin that gives such a huge facility)
  • 15+ new online payment gateways integration FREE
  • Fully customizable Appointment Booking Plugin
  • Award-winning responsive design for frontend and backend
  • Advanced reports and analysis
  • Whatsapp & SMS notifications
  • Invoicing feature with pdf support
  • Google, Apple, and Outlook calendar integrations
  • Advanced staff dashboard for staff members
  • Custom booking fields with conditional hide/show
  • Fully customizable booking forms and customer panel
  • Cart facility for multi-booking
  • Customizable email notifications
  • 24/7 Customer support

There is also a free version of the BookingPress Plugin, which offers a very dynamic and flexible user interface. By downloading from wordpress.org, you can rapidly start taking bookings. For more info, check my BookingPress review.



LatePoint stands out as a WordPress booking plugin that redefines the booking experience, offering a sleek interface and seamless functionality. If you’re tired of losing customers due to a complex and ineffective booking system, LatePoint is a game-changer.


LatePoint booking plugin review.


Thanks to intuitive dashboards, you have full visibility over resources, scheduling, revenue and every metric you can think of. Customers have their own dashboard where they can book, rebook, reschedule or cancel appointments.


LatePoint booking plugin form.


Tailored for various industries, including estate agencies, travel agencies, hairdressers, doctors, and business consultants, it caters to anyone benefiting from a dynamic booking system.

Whether you’re new to WordPress, starting a new business or expanding an existing one, the LatePoint booking plugin has the tools and features you need. There are also 26 addons that come free with the Pro version!


  • Modern user interface
  • Super simple onboarding setup
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Flexible customization options
  • Detailed analytics dashboard
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Seamless integration with essential tools
  • Efficient time management

LatePoint caters to diverse business needs with pricing tiers starting from $46 per year for one website and going up to $530 per year for ten websites. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or managing a bustling enterprise, LatePoint offers scalability and excellent value for money.

LatePoint is not just a tool; it’s a complete solution for WordPress that can help optimize your scheduling processes. Choose LatePoint for a stress-free integration that elevates your booking system, providing a delightful and efficient reservation process.


Free WordPress Booking Plugins

If you don’t want to pay or have a low budget, here are some booking plugin WordPress free options.

#1 WP Simple Booking Calendar

A straightforward and free booking calendar plugin that will help create a complete booking system. You can create, edit and publish a booking calendar and embed the booking system in any WordPress post or page.

It also comes with a booking widget which you can place in your sidebar or any other widgetized location of WordPress website.


#2 Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar is a free online booking plugin for WordPress that will help you create a nice booking system.


WordPress Booking Calendar plugin


It comes with the customizable responsive design so that your booking looks great even on handheld devices. This plugin stores the booking data in your own WordPress database.


#3 Salon Booking System

Salon Booking is easy to manage appointments booking system. It will help your business get more reservations on your website and save a lot of time. It’s the perfect solution to all that kind of business where you need appointment booking.

Salon Booking is provided with an intuitive back-end bookings calendar where the administrator has a quick overview of all the upcoming reservations. If you need more features, consider a premium version of this plugin.


#4 WooCommerce Easy Booking

This plugin adds an option to book or rent WooCommerce products. It adds one or more fields to the product page. A start date and end date and if necessary calculates a new price based on a daily, nightly, weekly or custom basis.


#5 Pinpoint Booking System 

Pinpoint Booking System is free WordPress booking plugin to rent accommodations, schedule services, book events or receive online reservations and appointments.

It is very simple to use, and your customers will be impressed by how easy-to-use, and fast is to check availability and book online. The one-page booking process will optimize the time in which your clients will make a reservation.


free WordPress booking plugin


The administration area is intuitive, powerful, flexible. It is simple to manage availability and reservations. The functionalities can be enhanced using add-ons.

Pinpoint Booking System can be integrated with WooCommerce. In this way, you can take advantage of the shopping cart, all payment methods and other features that come with WooCommerce.


Booking Plugins Conclusion

Running a successful business often comes down to a clear vision and good organization. You need to keep things in order especially when you have to juggle employees and general upkeep.

Online booking WordPress plugins are the best choice for those people who want to put an online booking system on their website. With these plugins, anyone can make their website more efficient and provide your customer’s easy way to use your service.

The booking system will make your business look more professional, organized and user-friendly.

Picking which plugin you will use for your booking needs depends on what features you need and how much you are willing to pay (if free booking plugin doesn’t have options you need).

Let me know in comments below if you used any of mentioned plugins, or you have better alternatives.

DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, I might get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Read more about it here.

23 thoughts on “21 Best Paid & Free WordPress & WooCommerce Booking Plugins (With Comparison)”

      1. Robert Wilson

        Yes, BookingPress must in this list because of it’s great features that help me to manage my hair salon online appointment booking process smoothly.

    1. Yeah Almin, I have been using BookingPress free version for my service based business to manage my appointments. I wonder that I have read this blog but BookingPress is missing in the list above, Although it is power-packed plugin.

      1. Hi Vivek,

        New plugins and themes are constantly released, and some older ones receive new updates, so you can’t always cover all and update. But users can always share their experience with the tools they use.

  1. Thanks for your detailed article.
    Those are good plugins you’ve listed!
    I just wanted to extend that list with a new free booking plugin I’ve been working on: Wappointment

    The idea behind it is for it to work for 90% of the users out of the box with the most vital booking features. (Frontend Booking Form, Email reminders, Backend Calendar, Calendar Sync) And then extend away with addons. We’re only at the start of our journey, but I hope you’ll check it out!

  2. Mr. Kasa, I made my own research for the best and affordable plugin for booking, and for me “Pinpoint Booking System PRO” was the best option: it is very complete, works with WooCommerce, includes a search option, etc.
    By the way, the PRO version with updates and support costs from U$50. The $5 dollars version is not compatible with newer version of Woocommerce (just 2.4).

    Thanks for your work, it is the best out there.
    You have my respect.

  3. Hey, Kasa. Interesting post.
    All in One Reservation WordPress Plugin is also a great option to set up any reservation and booking system quickly. It has lots of features like create and manage reservation, reservation in advance, reservation status for specific dates, email systems and much more etc.

  4. Thank you Kasa for this detailed comparison. You’ve covered this at length.
    You might want to add another point of 2-way Google Calendar Sync. The Booking & Appointment plugin from Tyche Softwares (authored by us) does have that feature.
    That one is an important feature which allows customers to keep everything synced in terms of their availability.

  5. Really good comparison thanks, you have covered a lot of really good options for taking bookings via WordPress. I would say that The Events Calendar plugins by Modern Tribe are also a good option – for taking bookings as well as other types of event. You can use them on their own or with WooCommerce. Your readers might like my online course on how to build a course and event booking website with WordPress. This takes you through the whole process step by step and is aimed at intermediate WordPress users without any technical expertise. Thanks!

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