YayCurrency Review PROS & CONS (2025) – WooCommerce Currency Switcher



Easy to use




Costs & Fees





  • Free version available.
  • Easy to use.
  • Detect currency automatically.
  • exchange rates are updated automatically.
  • Visitors can change currency on the shop page, cart page, and checkout page.
  • Currency switcher can be shown as a menu item or widget.
  • Support for Polylang and WPML.


  • Some significant features only available in pro version.
  • Little pricier compared to other currency switcher plugins.

Not every customer wants to see a foreign currency when they’re shopping at an online store. They won’t know exactly what each product costs without converting it to their currency, and they’ll be unsure if you even ship to their country.

Most online businesses know that they no longer have only local customers. If you want to compete in a global marketplace, it’s important for prices to be shown in visitor’s currency.

It’s one reason why more and more stores are listing prices in visitor currency or provide option for visitors to pick the currency that is displayed.

The only real question is how to display that information. There are plenty of options that vary in terms of features and effectiveness. One of the better WooCommerce currency switcher plugins is YayCurrency. In this YayCurrency review, I will show all the features this plugin provides.


YayCurrency Review

YayCurrency is WooCommerce currency switcher plugin that allows visitors to change currency while shopping. Currency can be switched at Shop, Cart, and Checkout pages.

A list of various currencies that you assign can be put on your site’s shop page. Currencies are automatically calculated according to active exchange rates. Your customers can easily switch back and forth between different currencies.


YayCurrency switcher shop page example.
YayCurrency switcher example.


Your current WooCommerce store can easily have a professional currency switcher. Dynamic pricing across your entire site is just one of YayCurrency’s many multiple currency functions.

Page view locations are automatically detected so that the corresponding unit of currency is always shown. Site visitors can manually change currencies as needed instead of only being shown prices in a single currency.

All currencies can have the number of decimals, decimal/thousand separators, and symbol positions altered. Percentages or fixed amounts can be used to display your individual conversion fees.

The admin panel is where all foreign currencies will be located. You can choose which currencies to enable and how they appear on the front end. Currency switcher can be shown in pages, posts, widgets, or on the navigation bar.

You don’t have to worry about updating exchange rates manually. All of that information is automatically retrieved from Yahoo! Finance. Visitors won’t even have to reload the page because all converted prices are displayed right away.

Customers can have better checkout and shopping experiences on sites that use YayCurrency. Even taxes, coupons, product prices, shipping fees, and all other costs are converted correctly. The currency dropdown menu can also be added to theme widgets.


  • The backend panel lets you enable multiple currencies. This lets your customers choose the currency of their choice on the front end. The pro version of the plugin lets you set up as many currencies as you want, whereas the free version only lets you set up three currencies.
  • The pro version comes with a feature to detect currency automatically according to visitor country.
  • Admins can activate an option where customers can pay for their purchases in different currencies at the checkout.
  • The pro version can be configured so that exchange rates are updated automatically at predetermined intervals.
  • Admin can add currency switch option in widgets.
  • Visitors can change currency on the shop page, cart page, and checkout page.
  • The currency switcher can be shown as a menu item.
  • The pro version supports Polylang and WPML integration.


YayCurrency Settings

All native WooCommerce payment methods work well with YayCurrency. The Stripe payment gateway, PayPal standard, cash on delivery, check payments, and direct bank transfers can all be used. There are four primary setting tabs for YayCurrency.


Manage Currency

The following choices are available in the Manage Currency tab:

  • Add new currency – You can add new currency with this option. Currencies will appear in the lower portion of the list.
  • Currency – This column will allow you to select a specific currency option to show on the website’s frontend.
  • Preview – Shows how currency will be displayed.
  • Rate – If you want to change the automatically created values, you can set an exchange rate for any currencies in this column. Exchange rates will be updated when the “loading” icon has been clicked on. You’ll find this icon by the column title.
  • Fee – You can make up for currency differences by placing an additional currency value.
  • Action – You can customize currencies with the options in this column. Currencies’ exchange rates will be updated automatically after the loading option is clicked. You can delete specific currencies from the list by using the recycle bin icon. The gear icon will open a drawer for additional configuration of currency format.


Manage currency YayCurrency.


Under Config currency format, there are several options:

  • Currency position – You can adjust the currency symbol’s position.
  • Thousand separator – Any symbol that you want can be used to separate thousands in the prices of items on the website.
  • Decimal separator – You can also use any symbol you like to separate decimals in displayed products’ prices.
  • Number of decimals – Here, you get to decide how many decimals the prices shown will have.
  • Rounding – This function allows you to round prices up or down to a particular rounding number.


YayCurrency configuration format.


The available choices for rounding are Nearest, Down and Up. There are also various thresholds: 0.10, 0.50, 1. 10, 100, and 1,000. The minus option field allows you to deduct a small amount from the converted and rounded price.

Prices can end in preferred amounts, such as 0.99 or 0.49, for example. For testing purposes, there is a field option to test amounts. This can help you confirm subtraction and custom rounding outcomes.


Checkout Options

This section has additional choices for the currencies that were selected in the Manage Currency section. The sub-choices in the Checkout Options section are:

  • Checkout in different currency toggle icon – This option lets you decided if you want to activate or deactivate frontend users’ choice to pay for items in different currencies. The Currency Manage tab will have all currencies that you’ve allowed customers to use when purchasing goods and services on your website.
  • Status – All available currencies in this tab will have on/off switches next to them.
  • Currency – Here, you can view all currency names.
  • Payment methods – Each active currency can have its specified payment gateways for which it will be associated.


YayCurrency checkout options.


Display Options

Here you can set general settings for all currencies in the Manage Currency section. Only one setting is available in the Display Options section.


YayCurrency display options.


The toggle icon that appears in this tab allows you to toggle ON/OFF whether to show the configured currency on Single Product Page or not.



You have several options that can be toggled on or off in this tab. The choices that you can make are:

  • Update exchange rate automatically – Activate or deactivate the option to automatically update exchange rates for the added currencies.
  • Duration – This allows you to set intervals for automatic exchange rate updates. They can be configured in days, hours, or minutes.
  • Auto-select currency by country – You can decide if you want currencies to be shown and determined automatically based on the country of your site visitor.
  • Currency – All active currencies will be shown in this column.
  • Countries – Pick specific countries that you want a specific currency to display for.


YayCurrency setting options.



YayCurrency comes in a free and paid versionYayCurrency Pro comes as an annual or one-time payment plan. The annual plan for a single site costs $49, for three websites $99, and unlimited sites $199. If you go with a one-time payment plan, you will pay $195 for usage on a single site, $395 for usage on three sites, and $995 for unlimited sites.


YayCurrency pricing plans.


If you are not happy with YayCurrency, you have an option for a full refund within 30 days of purchase without asking any questions.


YayCurrency Review Conclusion

Many companies have used WooCommerce to convert their site into a successful store. It’s great, but WooCommerce doesn’t always have all of the important functions that businesses need. For example, switching between different currencies for international customers.

Fortunately, several convenient WooCommerce currency switcher plugins can help in that regard. One of those plugins is YayCurrency.

Accepting multiple currencies can be simplified with a currency switcher. You won’t lose business due to price confusion, and users can enjoy shopping in your store.

Providing the best possible consumer experiences is essential to attracting and retaining international clients. Such situations create the need for product prices to be shown in their own native currencies.

It’s easier to keep people interested and loyal to your company by providing pricing information in the currencies that your customers already use. They’ll know more about the price and have a greater understanding of what they can afford.

Be sure to also check YayMail, a plugin for WooCommerce email customization and YaySwatches WooCommerce variation swatches plugin that come from the same developers as YayCurrency.

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