When it comes to creating your business website, some entrepreneurs tend to put their focus on the wrong things initially. To boost your business rankings, you need to put in an effort.
Lots of entrepreneurs, especially those first getting started, get overly excited about the aesthetics of the website more than anything else. And that’s okay!
Web design is a fun part of creating your website. And it’s a very important part of getting your business off the ground. People won’t stay on a website too long if it’s not pleasing to the eye. But aesthetics is not what’s going to drive people to your site.
For people to come to your site and shop, they first need to know it exists, right? This is where SEO (search engine optimization) will come into play. The aesthetics of your website definitely does play a role in the success of your business.
But one thing to know about search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) is that they could care less about your website’s design and what type of font you used.
The main thing that search engines are checking for is if your site has good quality content and the type of keywords and file names you have (among several other key components).
The key to achieving optimum SEO success is understanding exactly what the search engines are looking for within your website. Understanding and not understanding could be the difference between building an empire and getting put out of business.
Table of Contents
What Exactly Is SEO Optimization?
If you’re familiar with WordPress at all, then you know just how and why optimization is detrimental to your website’s success.
Yes, in the beginning, stages of creating your website, you will need to do the basics like find a brandable domain name and start the inner workings of your site’s design.
But without that SEO touch, your site isn’t going to reach its full potential pace. In the online world, SEO has been a word of mystery and intrigue. Many have a clear understanding of it, and many don’t.
For those who don’t clearly understand, they have a simple understanding that it makes their company rank higher on search engines. WordPress offers a multitude of helpful SEO plugins that can enhance your website and make it more functional in various ways.
Those plugins include RankMath, Yoast SEO, All In One SEO Pack, SEOPressor Connect, Premium SEO Pack, SEOPress, SEO Framework, etc.
- Name
- Price
- Optimal Settings Pre-Selected
- Simple Setup Wizard
- Auto Canonical URLs
- LSI Keyword Tool Integrated
- Track Keyword Ranking
- Google Search Console Integration
- Import AIO Schema Rich Snippets
- SEO Warnings
- Supports Custom Post Type
- Bulk Edit Titles & Descriptions
- Post Preview on Google
- Content Analysis
- Control SEO For Single Pages
- Control The Title
- Control Meta Description
- Focus Keyword
- Control ROBOTS Meta
- Google Keyword Suggestion
- Optimize For More Than One Keyword
- Internal Linking Suggestions
- Powerful XML Sitemap
- Module Based System
- Advanced Redirection Manager
- Smart & Automatic Post Redirects
- Redirect Attachments to Parent
- Role Manager
- 404 Monitor
- Google Schema Markup Types
- Social Media Optimization
- Default OpenGraph Thumbnail
- Auto Facebook Open Graph
- Facebook Authorship
- Automatic Twitter Meta Cards
- Default Twitter Card Type
- Social Previews
- Default Share Image
- Support for knowledge Graph
- Choose a Separator Character
- Modify Global Meta
- Strip Category Base
- Remove Stopwords from Permalinks
- Search Engine Verification Tools
- SEO Breadcrumbs
- Nofollow All External Image Links
- Nofollow All External Links
- Open External Links in New Tab
- Ping Search Engines
- Compatible with EDD
- .htaccess Editor
- robots.txt Editor
- Import/Export Settings
- Import/Export Redirections
- Multisite Compatible
- Free
- Coming soon
- Free and paid version
- You can in paid version
- Free and paid version
I have compared many SEO plugins so be sure to check;
- Rank Math vs All In One SEO vs Yoast
- Yoast vs Premium SEO Pack vs All In One SEO
- SEOPressor Connect vs Yoast SEO vs Rank Math vs SEOPress
- SEOPress vs Yoast vs All In One SEO
Today, we’re going to look at some different WordPress SEO techniques, and website SEO audit tips, that can and will make a huge difference in your business’ rankings on search engines.
Establish & Set Your Permalinks
Setting your permalink is a pretty simple process, but you want to make sure you do it the right way. Because there is a proper use of permalinks and bad. In case you’re not sure what a permalink is, it is the URL that users put in the search bar to go to your website and to a specific page on your website.
Have you ever gone to a website and clicked on a particular blog of interest and it took you to another page to read that article? Well, if you look in the search bar, you’ll see the URL with a forward slash and the title of the article you’re reading. Everything after that forward slash is the permalink.
WordPress comes with various permalink settings that allow you to change them as often as you need to. One of the best practices to have with permalinks is to make your permalink the name of the actual post. It is best that you keep it simple and exclude using WordPress categories from permalink.
That’s what will help customers remember the URL and permalink. Take a look at a few examples of good and bad permalinks:
- Bad Permalink: mywebsite.com/?p=068311 (this is the WP default option)
- Good Permalink: mywebsite.com/you-can-do-it-too (this is the WP post name option)
- Good Permalink: mywebsite.com/2019/07/you-can-do-it-too (this is the WP month and post name option)
Use Themes That Are Search Engine Optimized
This is the area that we discussed earlier where instead of choosing an aesthetically pleasing theme, you need to select a theme that’s search engine optimized.
WordPress has an array of different free and paid themes for you to choose from that can give your website a solid foundation to build on. But it’s vital that you choose the right theme.
Go for an SEO optimized theme over a just aesthetically pleasing one. Then your site will have two major components: speed and code.
Just make sure your theme is well-written and that it contains some of the most current SEO best practices. Doing that will ensure that Google bots will be able to maneuver through the source code and find the right code.
Consider themes with meta title tags and heading and the appropriate use of them, clean and concise website structure, and open graph meta tag.
Make Your Site Content Sharable On Social Media Platforms
Just about every person who uses the internet has at least one social media account. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, people get on these platforms every day.
Some people get on social media during their lunch breaks, while waiting in line at a store, and many spend a good amount of their day browsing through social media. It is very beneficial for your business to make your site shareable across various platforms.
The great thing about WordPress is that it has many social sharing plugins, plugins to automatically share posts from WordPress to Facebook or even post from WordPress to Instagram.
When you add social sharing buttons to your website, it’s going to drive traffic to your website, and it’s also going to allow the people who come to visit your site the ability to share your content across multiple platforms. Not only that, but it will also make your website more credible.
Good social sharing plugins to choose from are Monarch (see Monarch review) and ESSB (check Easy Social Share Buttons review).
Make Your Site Content High-Quality
The most common and most used SEO tactic to enhance a business’ rankings is its high-quality content. High-quality content should be engaging to readers and ultimately make them want to keep visiting the site, whether for information or to shop. Proper keyword research is important step in producing quality content. Be noted that long tail keywords are easier to rank than one or two words terms.
For your business to rank higher on search engines by way of high-quality content, the content must possess these characteristics and qualities:
–Content Must Be Unique
One thing that search engines frown upon is plagiarism. Readers want to be able to go to your website and read exciting and thought-provoking content.
There will be subjects that you may not be too familiar with. In those cases you have to do research and take information from other places and explain it in your own words. That’s fine but don’t completely take someone else’s work and try to pass it off as your own.
–Content Must Be Informative
Readers have a mindset of “tell me something I don’t know.” The main reason why people get on the internet is usually because they are looking for helpful information on a particular topic.
Users should be able to come to your website and not only have their questions answered, but they should also feel like your website is a credible source of information. In the world of digital marketing, informative content is one of the three rules of producing high-quality content.
It doesn’t matter where the content is going to be posted or shared, and it doesn’t matter what niche the content falls under. As long as the readers find it informative and can answer some of their questions, they’ll keep visiting your site because they feel that it’s a trusted site.
–Content Must Be Shareable
For your content to be shareable, you must first post content worth reading that will make people want to share it. People enjoy reading content that’s relatable to them, whether it’s funny, sad, or helpful.
The overall feeling your users needs to have when they finish browsing your website is they didn’t waste time. They need to have an enjoyable experience that makes them want to share the information they just read with their friends.
Boost Business Rankings Conclusion
There are many different techniques and best practices available to you. By implementing at least above mentioned tactics and techniques, your website will have a better chance at ranking in search results.
From setting permalinks to producing high-quality content, taking these tips and applying them to your WordPress website will drive traffic to your website and boost business rankings. You can also always use help of third-party tool like CanIRank to help you with your SEO and research.
DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, I might get a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Read more about it here.
I did set the permalink that has the name of the post or even some important keywords. Thankfully, my site achieves a higher ranking in search engine. Great article!